Kevin Collins
Cross Country
Enshrined 2022
It has been said, by more than one member of Kevin Collins’ family, that he ran before he walked! The second of three boys, Kevin grew up in Cicero. His parents, Tim and Kathy, were competitive runners, so it was no surprise when Kevin started running competitively in seventh grade.
The lead runner on his Cicero North Syracuse High School team, he helped the Northstars win their first ever New York State Championship in any sport in his senior year. It was on to RIT for Kevin after CNS, where he would become a five-time All-American in cross country and track for the Tigers. Along the way he set records for the 10,000 meter, 5,000 meter and enjoyed a multitude of career wins at meets both home and away. RIT would recognize Kevin’s stellar career in 2004 when they inducted him into their Hall of Fame.
But, perhaps Kevin’s greatest accomplishment was becoming the first American finisher at the 1996 Boston Marathon while still a college student. After which his hometown of Cicero promptly declared “Kevin Collins Day” on March 29, 1996.
The Boston Marathon finish would catapult him into the national and international spotlight for many years to come. To name just a few of his incredible finishes and rankings – three-time Olympic Marathon Trials Qualifier (1996, 2000, 2004); in 2001, first American finisher in the Los Angeles Marathon; in 2002 - #1 ranked marathoner in the United States and third in the U.S. Half Marathon; in 2003 - #3 ranked marathoner in the U.S.; second in the U.S. Marathon Championships and the top American finisher at the IAAF World Marathon Championship in Paris. And, 10 years later, Kevin won the U.S. Masters (40+) National Road 10K!
To no one’s surprise, Kevin is a member of the Syracuse Mountain Goat 10-mile Hall of Fame (four time winner); an inductee of the Schenectady Stockadeathon 15K Hall of Fame (four time champion) and a recipient of the Road Scholar Award from the Road Runners Club of America. Type “Kevin Collins marathoner” into a Google search and scroll through the lengthy list of marathon wins and finishes, the list is endless!
Although his running career would intimidate anyone, Kevin is far from intimidating. Since 2006, he has trained 1000’s of CNY runners from beginner to advanced. His goal is always to use the sport of running to achieve health, wellness, fitness and performance goals. He speaks from experience and embodies wisdom and understanding.
Kevin has been one of, if not the, best Central New York runners for nearly 40 years. It is now time to formally recognize what his hometown of Cicero has known all along, he belongs in the Greater Syracuse Sports Hall of Fame as a member of the Class of 2022.